Monday, December 13, 2010

N-O-R-D No Ordinary Regular Dirt

I haven't written in awhile, but I don't know why. I guess I'm really busy with school and work and volleyball but I don't feel that busy. I still find time to have anxiety attacks and fight with my boyfriend so I must be doing something right..
Very soon I will have a lot more time on my hands. My boss came to me today saying she will be taking me off the schedule after January. Why? Because I'm the newest part-timer and this other lady who used to be a super temp decided she wanted more hours so guess who gets there hours taken away. I wanted to be seasonal sales staff anyway but then I bought Christmas presents and drained my savings, so I changed my mind. I guess it makes sense that that would happen. I don't understand the culture that I work in. I was studying for my communications test the other day and was reading about small groups and communication in the workplace. There was a lot about good leadership, small group roles and norms, and how to be a good group member. I tried to imagine my work as a small group and put some of the girls I work with into those good group member roles for kicks and to help remember important concepts. Well, since I am still working there, lets just say that I found one girl that fits the description besides myself... but I do have to add that my boss is doing a good job at leading my department. There's only so much you can do with your power before the rest is left up to the subordinates (learned that term in class). I'm so glad my house mate also works retail and we can compare horror stories. You really have to have a sense of humor working in a place like that and you have to remember that you don't get paid enough to care about all the petty drama that goes on. I have to keep telling myself that on some days. I don't get paid enough to care.. one job.. take care of the customer. Period. As for everything else, you can whine and complain until the cows come home but if it doesn't have something to do with selling merchandise to a customer, no one is listening. Can you tell I worked for 10 hours today?

This is why I love writing in my blog. There is no one arguing with me or telling me I'm wrong. I can just write. Is it in human nature to argue? Or do some people just enjoy it for sport? Most annoying argument is when a girl is trying to convince you that they are fat and being polite you obviously take the side that no, they are not fat. Surface level relationship or long time friends, next time a girl complains about being fat I'm going to say, "Why yes, yes you are fat. I didn't notice that before but now I see it. Here. Have a carrot. That should help take the edge off, and by edge I mean fat." Who cares if YOU are fat? Everyone is so self absorbed they're all obsessing over their own chunky rolls. Yes I am fat. But you know what, I'm gonna do something about it instead of complaining or you know what? I am going to just enjoy my cookie and maybe a coffee too. I love watching skinny girls stare at me when I eat something delicious. They wish they could have it. Mmm mm.

Final thought for the night, I'm excited for my classes next quarter. Got the official plan, no more changes, done deal, all set, graduating within the alloted 4 years, maybe stay an extra year for a second major in psychology.. I am taking all English classes next quarter as I've decided since that's always been my "easy" class, why not major in it? I have enough credits to graduate on time for English and then I can take a class my senior year to prepare me for the LSAT and tuh-dah. Wam bam grownup Ma'am. I just made that up instead of wam bam thankyou ma'am... see. English talent. Ok goodnight internet people and Luis and Elizabeth (the only people I know that read this, less is better, less to argue with me)

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